Dimitrios Halikias

Assistant Professor of Humanities

Dimitrios Halikias will be Assistant Professor of Humanities starting in Fall 2026. Before coming to UF, he will hold a two-year postdoctoral fellowship with the Princeton University Society of Fellows. He has research interests in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century theories of political economy, contemporary democratic theory, and American political thought. His articles have appeared in Historical Journal, History of Political Thought and Review of Politics.

Current Project

Halikias’s current book project is Slaves Without Masters: Feudalism and the Critique of Impersonal Domination. It deals with the problem of impersonal domination as it was theorized in the nineteenth century by thinkers who saw in the rise of modern capitalism and liberalism a new condition of servitude: Slaves without masters. His research interests cover debates over capitalism, Marx and Marxism, Alexis de Tocqueville, and contemporary democratic theory.


  • Ph.D. in Government, Harvard University, 2024
  • B.A. in Ethics, Politics and Economics, Yale University, 2016

Publications - Articles

‘Tocqueville on Servants, Servitude and Impersonal Domination’, Review of Politics (forthcoming, 2024).

The Young Marx on Feudalism as the Democracy of Unfreedom‘, Historical Journal, 67 (2024), 281-304.

Adam Smith’s Four Invisible Hands and the Problem of Political System’, History of Political Thought, 44 (2023), 338–368.

Adam Smith on the Scottish Highlands and the Origins of Commercial Society’, History of Political Thought 41 (2020), 622–647.

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