Jason Mastrogiovanni

Director of Academic and Student Success
CSE E524

Jason Mastrogiovanni is Senior Associate-In faculty and Director of Academic and Student Success in the Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education. He also currently holds a courtesy appointment with the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in the College of Education. Previously, he served as the first Assistant Provost for Student Success at the University of Florida. He earned a BM in Music Education from the University of Florida, an MS in Music Education from Central Connecticut State University, and a PhD in Education from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where his dissertation topic was Collaboration in transfer student work: A cultural historical activity theory study at four-year institutions.

Prior to coming back to UF, he worked at the University of Tennessee, Stony Brook University, Central Connecticut State University, and Texas A&M University in progressively responsible student success related roles. As a first-generation student himself, he is a passionate advocate for supporting students in large complex university environments. His portfolio has included academic advising, prestigious awards, curriculum creation, experiential learning, first-year and transfer experience, orientation, academic support and intervention, first-generation programs, and the institution-wide coordination of student success systems and strategy.

Mastrogiovanni has published several articles and presented nationally on student success, design thinking, and collaboration in higher education. He also serves as the current editor for the Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention and on the editorial board for the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success.


  • Ph.D. in Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2022
  • M.S. in Music Education, Central Connecticut State University, 2007
  • B.M. in Music Education, University of the Florida, 2003

Publications - Books

Publications - Articles

Yamagata-Lynch, L. C., Chang, H., Hayakawa, T., Mastrogiovanni, J. M., Shipley, L., Durbin T., & Miller, C. (2020) Aha…I’m a designer?! Becoming empowered designers through course experiences. pp. 11-26. In B. Hokanson (Ed.) Educational technology beyond content: A new focus for learning. Boston, MA: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37254-5_2

Yamagata-Lynch, L. C., Despande, D. R., Do, J., Garty, E., Mastrogiovanni, J. M., & Teague, S. J. (2017). Net neutrality and implications to online learning.  The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18(6). doi: 10.19173/v18/i6.3129

Clegorne, N. A. & Mastrogiovanni, J. M. (2015). Designing alternatives: Design thinking as a mediating learning strategy to bridge science and the humanities for leadership learningThe Journal of Leadership Education. 14(4). p. 46- 54. doi: 1012806/V14/I4/I2

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