Two courses from the following:
1. ISS 2290: Great Books in the Ancient World
2. ISS 2291: Great Books in the Medieval World
3. ISS 2292: Great Books in the Early Modern World: The Renaissance to the Enlightenment
4. ISS 2293: Great Books in the Modern World
Three courses from the following:
Corporate Lawyer
Nonprofit & Religious Organizations Lawyer
Human Rights Advocate
Environmental Lawyer
Admissions Counselor
Financial Aid
Policy Researcher
International Specialist
Legislative Analyst
Public Administration
Political Consultant
Campaign Manager
Market Research Analyst
Brand Manager
Digital Marketing Strategist
Public Relations Specialist
Entrepreneur/Startup Founder
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Management Consultant
PPEL stands for Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law. Inspired by the iconic curriculum pioneered by Oxford University, this multidisciplinary Bachelor of Arts program ranges from the classic texts of the Western tradition to the modern analytic and quantitative skills that equip students for professional success in the twenty-first century. Students enrolling in the PPEL curriculum will learn to read, write, and think critically while being steeped in the great ideas, thinkers, and debates of the past and present. The program will offer both a major and minor.
Great Books and Ideas (GBI) is a multidisciplinary Bachelor of Arts program at the Hamilton Center. It focuses on exploring seminal texts and fundamental ideas that have shaped Western civilization, preparing students for critical analysis, rigorous debate and effective communication. GBI’s multidisciplinary classes will deal with history, politics, philosophy, art, literature, classics and more. This program will offer both a major and a minor.
PPEL prepares students to address the biggest challenges facing governments, businesses, and communities around the world today. These problems are not only political, or economic, or legal; they are multi-faceted, with intersecting moral, political, economic, and legal considerations. To understand these problems, students’ training must go beyond the boundaries of any single traditional academic discipline. Through the coursework in the PPEL program, students will acquire foundational analytical and quantitative skills; they will learn to analyze problems holistically by integrating multiple disciplinary perspectives; and they will learn to apply their new skills and knowledge to real world problems through case studies and a capstone senior research project.
Great Books & Ideas (GBI) allows students interested in the humanities to confront the deepest questions about human existence through a multidisciplinary program. It is premised on the idea that ‘all branches of knowledge are connected together’ and it offers students the chance to get to know ‘the best which has been said and thought in the world’. GBI majors will learn through discussion-based seminars focused on the great books which have stood the test of time. Along the way students will develop the ability to write and speak clearly, cleanly and persuasively.
The curriculum includes:
Throughout your degree:
At graduation you can expect:
Graduates with a degree in PPEL often pursue careers in
Graduates with a degree in Great Books and Ideas are well-prepared for careers in:
To apply to the Hamilton Center programs, you must first be admitted to the University of Florida. Visit the University of Florida admissions website and complete the online application for next steps.
The low student-to-faculty ratio at the Hamilton Center ensures personalized attention and mentorship opportunities, fostering a supportive academic environment conducive to intellectual growth and development.
For more information about the Hamilton Center curriculum, programs, admission process, and student life, contact our academic advisors to schedule an informational meeting.