Announcing Three Eminent New Faculty Members
The University of Florida’s Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education is excited to welcome three new faculty members with expertise on American foreign policy, history, and statecraft. Allen Guelzo, Charlie Laderman, and Walter Russell Mead are all joining the Hamilton Center.
The Director of the Hamilton Center, William Inboden, extolled these latest additions to the Center’s growing faculty, who come in addition to the 21 new Hamilton faculty announced earlier this year. “This remarkable trio singularly enhances our faculty expertise on America’s founding, institutions, values, and leadership in the world. Research and teaching about the United States’ past, present, and future is one of the Hamilton Center’s core academic missions. There is no one better to teach our University of Florida students about the meaning of America than these eminent scholars.”
Guelzo, one of the nation’s leading historians of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, comes to UF from Princeton University. Laderman, a premier historian of American foreign policy, comes to UF from the venerable War Studies Department of Kings College London. Mead, one of the most influential thinkers on America’s role in the world, has taught at Yale and Bard College, and also writes a weekly column for the Wall Street Journal.
Short bios of each follow; full bios can be found at the Hamilton Center website here.
Allen Guelzo will be joining the Hamilton Center faculty in the summer of 2025. He currently serves as Thomas W. Smith Distinguished Research Scholar and Director of the James Madison Program Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship at Princeton University. He is a New York Times best-selling author or editor of over 20 books, the only three-time winner of the Lincoln Prize, and his many other honors include the Bradley Prize and the James Q. Wilson Award for Distinguished Scholarship on the Nature of a Free Society. He holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania.
Charlie Laderman will be joining the Hamilton Center faculty in the summer of 2025. He currently serves as Senior Lecturer in International History at Kings College London’s War Studies Department, where he helps lead the Centre for Grand Strategy. His books include the acclaimed Hitler’s American Gamble: Pearl Harbor and Germany’s March to Global War (Basic Books; co-authored with Brendan Simms of Cambridge) and Sharing the Burden: The Armenian Question, Humanitarian Intervention and Anglo-American Visions of Global Order (Oxford University Press). He holds a PhD from Cambridge University.
Walter Russell Mead is joining the Hamilton Center faculty this month. He is the Ravenel B. Curry III Distinguished Fellow in Strategy and Statesmanship at Hudson Institute, and the “Global View” columnist at the Wall Street Journal. He has also served as the Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for US Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations and the James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College. His award-winning books include Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World; God and Gold: Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World, and The Arc of A Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People. He is a graduate of Yale University.